Food is Happiness

PrikHorm and miscellaneous places with my cousin

Posted on: February 27, 2011

My cousin brought me to PrikHorm with his family for lunch. PrikHorm roughly translates to good-smelling chili pepper. As the name of the restaurant suggests, this place has some nice spicy dishes. The food was great at the time of eating here. But unfortunately I began having stomach issues since this was still the first week of arriving in Thailand. 

Word of advice: coming from the United States, take it easy on the food for the first 1-2 weeks you are in Thailand, as you’ll need to adjust your stomach to the local cuisine and “dirtiness”.

The location of the PrikHorm is pretty far, around On Nut BTS stop.

The thing with hanging with my cousin, is that he loves to eat OFTEN. The pictures below are from one afternoon with my cousin.